Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Entertainment for the Troops

In the tradition of Bob Hope we had some pre-holiday entertainment when a Country & Western Performer called Aaron Tippin arrived on Tuesday, November 22 to entertain us. I've never heard of Aaron Tippin but apparently many soldiers did and there was certianly a core group that were over the top thrilled. Tippin felt right at home with the troops at COB (combined operations base) Adder and he's had a tradition of traveling to military bases to entertain the troops during the holiday seasons. Tippin also stated that when he first started doing these trips, about 20 years ago, he traveled with Bob Hope so he's a living link to Bob Hope's tradition of entertaining troops during World War II.

I doubt I would ever go somewhere on my own to hear a Country & Western Performance but I do like the music and this was a great setting to watch the performance and we didn't have anywhere else to go anyway, Most of my TMC (troop medical clinic) unit went and we did enjoy it.

If you want to know more about Assron Tippin click here.

Major Marty

These Thanksgiving Day Displays were set up outside our DFAC (Dining Facility)


Unknown said...

Hello Doc,
I believe your calmer overseas than running around your office, which appears to be smaller than your present living pod???? Your looking good except for the fear showing while on the plane:):):) Only kidding--(Yea right) I missed your smile and happy go lucky personality at my Dr's appointment today--yoir substitute is female--which is a plus!!!!! Enjoy your Now for that is all we have....
Take Care-- Your Miracle Patient
Bob Riether

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