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Bart said...


Good for you! I just read your entire blog, from September through today, 11/2/10, and think your reasons are valid and noble. I hope you have fun, and not too much excitement!

Could not find your blog earlier: Joan sent 2 notes, but gave "" as the address. The correct address turns out to be "" and I only found it when I tried a google search.

Computers are dumb, and the @ instead of a . made it think I wanted to send an email using Outlook.

Others may have had a similar problem. We'll follow your blog regularly, now, though we're too shy to post a public photo. It's very well written, and interesting!

Seems not much has changed in the military since I enlisted as a Medic, and went to Vietnam.

Margarita said to give her best wishes, and I will add a loud hurrah!

Your friend, Bart

Bart said...


This will follow up my note sent earlier today, at 10:47 pm (our time).

Margarita is excited about seeing Joan, Donna and Vicky this coming weekend.

Come to think of it, though, the big change since Vietnam has been the "All Volunteer" Army.

I enlisted, partly out of a sense of duty, but also because I knew I could be drafted at any time, once I finished college, and my draft status interfered with my job hunt.

I always thought it an outrage that, in past centuries, a rich man could hire someone to take his place in the army. We now have a similar situation: A few men of honor (like yourself) will volunteer, but many may enlist only because they can't find other work. It's not fair for them to carry the entire burden.

When 9/11 happened, our country was unified by a desire to serve, but all George Bush asked was that we continue to spend money!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to your future blogs. Don't reveal any State Secrets. Remember the WWII adage, "Loose lips sink ships."

I'm proud to be your friend,


Murray Hefter said...

Dear Martin,
My private secretary Tamar has been good enough to show me what the newfangled computer on my desk is capable of doing. Right now on the screen I see the smiling face of my nephew and some verbiage which tell me that you are in good health and are addressing the situation in a most positive manner. As that old song went ¯“…you’ve got to accentuate the positive, decentuate the negative…” ¯ and you are doing an excellent job of that! --- This not only makes for a happier Martin but also happier people all around you for which all those people around you should be very appreciative. I hope that you continue to do well, be well, feel well, be safe, stay safe and act as a beacon of light for all those around you. I look forward to seeing you when you return but until then my email address is:
-Uncle Murray

(Hi! It’s Tamar. I just heard about your blog for the first time from my grandfather. I can’t wait to go home and read the rest! It sounds like you are doing great things. -Tamar)

Cooper said...

I am very proud of you Marty!!!

Alex Cooper, NJ

Jesse Hefter said...

Cousin Martin:
Please stay out of harm's way and continue to bless all those around you with your care, compassion, and comaraderie.
Cousin Jesse and Brenda (Boston)

kathy montemagni said...

You look great! I'm so glad you can send pictures and keep us informed on how you're doing.

I'm sure your family will miss not having you with them on Thursday, but they are very proud and you are doing important work.

Saw your CHU... Very small but must be great to have a "private space" to go to and your own bathroom!!!

Stay safe. Kathy M.

Anonymous said...

Received your e-mail. Loved hearing from you.Shabbat Shalom. Aunt Ruth & Uncle Sy

Roberta Gang said...

Hi Martin,

Thinking of you. Hope you are well. It's getting colder here, but very slowly.

We enjoyed seeing Joan, Eric, Rebecca, and Julia, and your extended family on Thanksgiving evening. It was so nice to see all our kids hanging out in your basement--like the days when they were young. Too bad our Jonathan was missing (he had just started a new job in Denver the week before and couldn't take off more than Thanksgiving day). Sending you our love, Roberta and David Gang

Unknown said...

I didn't forget to sign :):)):)
Bob Riether

Unknown said...

Hello Doc,
Wendsday, I will have finished enjoying 62 years of fun (???????) and will begin my 63rd with a healthy body and a SMILE---- Thank-You
Bob R.

Unknown said...

Hi Martin,
We wish you a happy and healthy new year. The patches ceremony looks very impressive. Joan keeps us posted. We didn't join the group last night but I (Gail) went to the movies for girls' day out. Lots of fun. Loved your blog about Heavy Metal Band! We look forward to your safe return and more stories. Stay well.
All our love,
Gail, George, Salomone and Kate Baquis

Anonymous said...

I've been catching up on your blogs. It is all so interesting and you look great!

I'm glad you joined in and saw the gospel singers. I'm sure it must have been very uplifting and served to brighten everyones spirits that day.

Stay safe.... kathy m

Unknown said...

Having you home shortly will bring a relief to many who have missed you.. There are many,although not personally befriended by you, whom consider you as a friend:):):) SOON!!!
Bob R.

Anonymous said...

How is it that so many people can appear at the United Nations without regard for the father of many nations, Abraham?

Milller Network said...

Catching back up at thsi blog. Life can be busy
Marvin Miller

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